Thursday, March 15, 2018

Example of Report Text Burung Cendrawasih The Birds Of Paradise

Report Text 

Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analysis

Example of Report Text

Bird of Paradise

Sentences Structure
General Classification

Cendrawasih, which is also called as Bird of Paradise, is member of Paradisaedae family from Passeriformes ordo. It can be found in the tropical-rainforests in East Indonesia, islands of Torres Strain, Papua New Guinea, and East Australia. It is divided into 14 genus and approximately 43 species. The other 30 species can be found in Indonesia. They are omnivorous, their main diet is fruit, but they also consume arthropods in a small amount.

Present Tense

Technical language
Description 1

Papua society and an eropean people when their first found these birds believe that Burung Cendrawasih is the reincarnation of Angle in the Paradise. Formerly, these birds were considered as beautiful birds but it had no leg. They would not come to the ground but just fly in the air because of their beautiful fur. Because of that Burung Cendrawasih is well known as Bird of Paradise.

Passive Voice

Description 2:

Cendrawasih birds have special character in their beautiful fur which belongs to males Cendrawasih. Generally, the fur is light color which is combination with some colors like black, brown, florid, orange, white, blue, green and purple. As the world goes, they have more than one color on their body. Their beak can be yellow, blue, black and gray. The fur around their beak is either green or black. The color of the fur on their head to their back are also varied, it can be black, yellow, blue or brown. The fur on their wings also have various color such as brown, black, red, blue and also yellow. Their tail is very long and soft. The color can be reddish, yellow and white, red and yellow, black, black and white, or blue. There is also a species who has curved tail.
Descriptive but factual   language
Description 3:

The size of Cendrawasih is variety. It starts in 15 cm with the wight of 50 gram which is like Cendrawasih Raja of King of Cendrawasih (Cicinnurus regius), up to 110 cm Cendrawasih Paruh Sabit Hitam (Epimachus albertisi) or the weight is up to 450 gram which is same like Cendrawasih Manukod Jambul-bergulung (Manucodia comrii). Mostly, the male has longer tails than the female. Some species have rounded wings that can produce unique sound. It is recorded that they can live up to 5 or 8 years.

Words which generalize
Description 4:

The beautiful of Cendrawasih fur of Males is also for catching attention of Cendrawasih Females. It is to invite the females to be ready to married. The males will show off their fur to the Females with doing some beautiful dancing. While the males are singing in the branch, they dance with some motions and to some directions. But every species of Cendrawasih has their own character of dancing.

Present Tense
Closing statement:

The habitat of Cendrawasih is in heavy jungle, generally in downland. Unfortunately, the population of Cendrawasih nowadays more and more threatened and scarce to be found because of dislodgment and illegal commerce at all the times.

Technical language


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