Thursday, March 15, 2018

jawaban post-reading activity chapter 7 natural disaster

Read the questions carefully. Note down your opinions and reactions to the questions. During the discussion with your teacher and classmates offer your personal reaction and understanding of the text.

  1. Which of the following natural disasters do you think is the most horrifying: earthquake, tsunamis, thunderstorms, or floods? Why?
  2.  What natural disaster have you experienced? Can you share what happened?
  3. What is the worst earthquake that Indonesia has witnessed? How much damage did it cause? How did you respond to the disaster? Explain.
  4. Can you state an example of man made disaster?
  5. What kinds of disasters are common in Indonesia?
  6. What would you do if you knew there would soon be an earthquake and this could be your last day on earth?
  7. Do you know anything about the “Ring of Fire? Can you find information and discuss it with your classmates?
  8. If you could volunteer to help after a natural disaster, what would you do?
  9. Do you think the world should be more concerned about natural disasters or man made disasters? Discuss and give reasons to support your answer.

Discussion Notes (Answer) :
  1. According to me the most horriflying natural disaster is earthquake,because a large of earthquakes are known to take down buildings and cause death and injury. Large earthquakes usually begin with slight tremors but rapidly take form of violent shocks,  which is release of energy that creates seismic waves that travel through the earth. The worst possible damage occurs in the densely populated areas where structures are not built to withstand intense shaking. Damage and loss of life incurred during earthquake is due to falling buildings and flying glass and objects. In certain areas, an earthquake can cause mudslides that can bury areas under it. Further, beside demage on the land, earthquake could happend under the sea. A Powerful submarine earthquakes cause tsunami or a chain of fast moving waves in the ocean that ripple outward from earthquake epicenter towards coastal areas causing surmountable damage.that is why i think that earthquake is the worst of all.
  2. One  of natural disaster that i’ve experienced is floods. Even it’s exactly not really happened to me, but i’ve ever seen it sometimes in rainy seasons in different place, once it happened in a little river which is near from my home and several place else. it is not too biger but it so dangerous  especialy if you felt of to the current big of floods. It’s also happened to my friend’s dog which was dragged and swallowed by the floods.
  3. The worst earthquake that Indonesia has witnessed is 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake. It’s occurred on 26 december with the epicentre off the west coast of sumatera, indonesia. It is the third-largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph and had the longest duration of faulting ever observed, between 8.3 and 10 minutes. It caused the entrire planet to vibrate as much as 1 centimetre (0.4 inches) and triggered other eartquake as far away as Alasaka. The shock had a moment magnitude of 9.1 – 9.3 and maximum mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). The undersea meganthrust earthquake was caused when the indian plate was subducted by the burma plate and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coast of most landmasses bordering the indian ocean, killing 230,000 – 280,000 people in 14 countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 metres (100 ft) high. It was one of deathlist natural disaster in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest-hit country, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. And about my response to this accident, because this accident happen when i was little and i didn’t know anything yet about it at that time, for now, i think we should reminded and learn from this accident to knowing about the eqrthquake characteristics and also become vigiling to reduce the victims of death people.
  4. Example of man made disaster is oil spill. One The worst oil spill happen in 20 april 2010. The deepwater horizon oil rig exploded and sank in the sea. It unltimately discharged 780,000 cubic metres of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, while claimed seven lives. The US manage to cap it 87 day later, as it was even considered to use nuclear blasts to seal the well. The spill treatened 8,332 marine species, some of ehich, already endangered and under federal protection. In the enviroment and food and water resources. It’s decribe as the biggest healt crisis in the USA. then another example of man made disaster are, global warming, chemical explotion, coal ash spill, mud volcano etc.
  5. The kind of the natural disaster that common in indonesian is floods. It’s always happened in every side of indonesian land, and the worst damage is common always happened in Java island.
  6. I have watch many film about that, and some of them give up to die and some of them tried to escaped to save their life. But if you ask me, if i know there will be an earthquake soon and will be my last day on earth, i have many choices first i have a religious, and as the religious person that believe to god, holly rescue , i will triying to confess all of my sind, and then i’l tried to save my live, even i will day soon i will trying to tell everybody and save many lifes as i can.
  7. Ring of fire is a major area in the basin of the pasific ocean  where a large number of eartquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. In a 40,000 km (25,000 mil) horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous serries of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts and plate movements. It has 452 volcanoes (more than 75% of the world’s active and dormant vocanoes). The ring of fire is sometimes called the circum-pacific belt
  8. I will trying to help others who’s got distress by the natural disaster accident  as much as i can do.
  9. I think the world should be more concerned about the man made disaster than the natural disaster because even though  the natural disaster is so dangerous and human can’t prevent and made the certain prediction, but most of natural disasters are the result of man made disasters. Call it one of the disaster that current greatly affect te safety of the earth and all mankind, it is global warming. Global warming is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature  of the earth’s climate system and its related effects. Which is now is the biggest and main problems that all of us have to take care of this. Then another kind of natural disaster which is dangerous and caused by man made disaster are extinct of many species plants or animals as the damage of man made disaster such as the spill oil that can kill and destroy all the submarine species and habitats variety And beach’s abration or floods and the land slide that caused by the dereliction of human to keep eternal of the natural.

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